Sens4 News and Insights
Our achievements, insight and developments in pressure and vacuum measurement technology
Whether you're an engineer, industry professional, or enthusiast, our news page keeps you informed about product launches, cutting-edge innovations, company achievements, and insights into industry trends. Sens4 is at the forefront of innovative vacuum measurement solutions, and this is where we share our latest advancements with you.
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Helsingør’s Mayor, Benedikte Kiær, Visits Sens4
Company News, February 20, 2025
We were honored to welcome Helsingør’s Mayor, Benedikte Kiær, to Sens4, where she explored our journey of innovation and the impact of advanced vacuum measurement technology.
Sens4 Launching New Website
Company News, January 7th, 2025
Sens4 is thrilled to unveil its newly redesigned website, This updated digital platform showcases our dedication to innovation, accessibility, and customer satisfaction, delivering an improved and seamless online experience.
Unveiling Multifunction Vacuum Gauge Controller
Product News, June 26th, 2024
The TrueVac™ TVC-3 Pressure Controller & Display establishes new standards for uncompromising performance, versatility, and flexibility when readout of vacuum measurements is needed.
Introducing New Ceramic Diaphragm Vacuum Gauge
Product News, June 24th, 2024
The VDM-2 Ceramic Diaphragm Vacuum Transducer is a corrosion-resistant aluminum oxide diaphragm gauge for vacuum pressure measurement in the rough vacuum range.
Reduce Equipment Downtime With Reliable Vacuum Measurement Solutions
Product News, September 1st, 2023
Reliability, durability, and robustness are critical parameters for our customers in many industries, and we do our utmost effort to engineer, test and built our vacuum measurement products to last.
Continue ReadingNew Corrosion Resistant MEMS Pirani Vacuum Sensor Introduces a Paradigm Shift
Product News & Press-release, September 1st, 2023
Sens4 is now introducing a new series of MEMS Pirani sensors with a conformal protective coating that acts as an efficient barrier against aggressive gases.
Continue ReadingSens4 Headed for Space Mission
Product News & Press-release, June 22nd, 2021
Sens4 has been selected as supplier of vacuum measurement for the WISA Woodsat space mission.
Continue ReadingNovel Capacitance Diaphragm Multisensor Combination Gauge Unveiled
Product News & Press-release, December 9th, 2020
The new TriCAP™ vacuum transducer series is an all-in-one multi sensor vacuum transducer that combines the record-breaking MEMS SmartPirani™ sensor technology with advanced capacitance and piezo diaphragm sensor technology.
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Introducing World's Smallest Wide-Range Vacuum Transducer
Product News & Press-release, October 7th, 2020
The new iVacSens™ is based on the record-breaking MEMS SmartPirani™ sensor technology that offers a measuring range of 9 decades from 1.0E-6 to 1333 mbar (7.5E-7 to 1000 Torr). The iVacSens™ transducer concept transforms the traditional vacuum transducer product to a vacuum transducer module for OEM equipment.......
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Next Generation Transducer for Load-Lock Control
Product News & Press-release, February 27th, 2020
The new SmartPirani™ ATM is a next-generation vacuum transducer for load-lock control that combines different types of sensor technologies to provide an all-in-one solution for advanced and reliable load-lock.......
Record-Breaking SmartPirani™ Gauge Unveiled
Product News & Press-release, February 5th, 2019
Sens4 A/S has today announced a new next-generation MEMS Pirani transducer with unmatched measuring range and performance. The innovative SmartPirani™ transducer establishes new overall standards for Pirani gauges and becomes the world's first commercially available heat-loss Pirani gauge to achieve measurement down to 1.0E-6 mbar / 7.5E-7 Torr.
Sens4 in the News
Semiconductor Packaging News
VIEWPOINT 2024: Ole Wenzel, CEO, Sens4 A/S
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Alt om teknik
Sens4 på vækstrejse mod det ydre rum med ny vakuumteknologi
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Helsingør Dagblad
På vej i rummet.
Erhvervshus Hovedstaden
Kurs mod det ydre rum med nyudviklet vakuumteknologi til rumfartsindustrien.
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Dansk firma måler ned til en milliardtedel af atmosfæretrykket
Vacuum Transducer Sports Ultra-Wide Range
Record-breaking ultra-wide range SmartPirani ™ vacuum transducer unveiled
Startuppen Sens4 fandt en løsning til at svejse sine sensorer i måleinstrumenter hurtigt, sikkert og stabilt
Succes med TIG-svejsning af sensorer
Electronic-Supply DK
Hjælpende hånd skal få udstyrsproducent på rette udviklingsspor