Product News
September 1st, 2023

The Sens4 vacuum transducers measures and controls critical processes in many applications, including advanced analytical instrumentation and semiconductor processing equipment. Reliability, durability, and robustness are critical parameters for our customers, and we do our utmost effort to engineer, test and built our products to last.
We are thrilled to unveil that our effort has been confirmed by independent experts with calculation of an expected meantime between failure (MTBF) of 1494 years for our VPM-5 and VPM-7 SmartPirani™ vacuum transducers.
The SmartPirani™ transducers series has set new industry standards for vacuum measurement performance, and we have now also raised the bar for expected reliability and product lifetime for vacuum gauging.
The MEMS Pirani sensor technology used in the SmartPirani products is by design highly robust and does not deteriorate when operated according to specifications. Furthermore, the MEMS Pirani sensor can be exposed to continuous vibrations and G-forces that will often damage legacy wire Pirani or Convection gauge Pirani transducers.
The expected long lifetime of the Sens4 transducers translates to cost savings for businesses, eliminating the need for frequent service replacements and equipment downtime.
The SmartPirani™ transducers series is also available with protective ceramic and Parylene coating that enable use in applications where corrosive gases are present.
Product page: VPM-5 SmartPirani™ transducer
VPM-7 SmartPirani™ ATM transducer